Monday, June 7, 2010

I bought a new book...

Throughout our adoption journey, I've been meeting some incredible people.  Some are other hopeful adoptive parents.  Others are birthmothers who have found families for their children.  Everyone's experience is different and yet so very much the same in many ways.  I am always amazed at how much I learn from each and the support and encouragement I've received.

The book I bought was written by a birthmother, Kelsey Stewart,  and it says everything simply but wonderfully. It's called The Best For You and it explains the choice of adoption from a Birthmother's point of view.  I love it. If you'd like to check out the book or Kelsey's blog, here's the link:

Hope you're doing well!  Be sure to take a look at our Letter to Expectant Parents - the link's right there on the right!  :)

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